Ghetto Fighters' House - Lohamei HaGeta'ot Museum

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The Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum, named after Yitzhak Katznelson, for Holocaust and Revolt Heritage, or simply “The House” as it is called by its people, is the first Holocaust museum in the world and the only one established by Holocaust survivors.

The Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum is part of the unique mosaic of the Western Galilee.

Tourists in Israel and around the world are expressing growing interest in heritage and cultural tours, not only out of a cultural, philosophical or historical interest, but also out of a desire to diversify their tourist experiences, to have an unusual experience in their leisure time that is not necessarily related to entertainment and recreation, and to express a certain value system or personal memories.

The Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum comes to meet these growing needs and offers a visit that caters to a variety of needs, flexible in terms of the length of the visit and the range of topics suitable for the visitor. The Ghetto Fighters’ House is the first Holocaust museum established in the world.

Its founders, Holocaust survivors, established it with a clear-eyed and optimistic view of the future, with the intention of emphasizing the story of Jewish bravery, resistance, and the rebellion, as well as the building of a new life in Israel.

The Museum these days is closed for visitors, and waiting to recieve back groups that want to learn more about the Holocaust and the Ghetto fighters.

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